Teacher Empowerment

MBRS is committed to provide education to the students by a body of highly motivated, committed and trained educational professionals.
For the purpose of enriching and empowering including updating and upgrading, pedagogy training is a continuous exercise at MBRS. MBRS relentlessly strives to have smart teachers with razor sharp multiple competencies. Post training, the deliverables are applied in real life classroom situations for the desired positive outcome.
MBRS has enlisted the services of topnotch global professionals in their own domain including Dr. Sunita Gandhi, Co-Founder, Council for Global Education USA, Margaret Warner, lead exponent in the domain of Multiple Intelligence (MI), Steven Rudolph, Global consultant on boarding and pastoral management from the UK etc. to train the pedagogy resulting in greater motivation and exemplary service performance.
At present, the ongoing K12 professional development has heralded a sea change in the teaching learning process and a paradigm shift is clearly visible as the learning process is definitely child centric. The X-seed model and the Nurture International Program have in fact strengthened the pedagogy in this direction. One of the major areas of pedagogy training includes mastering the art of mentoring in the dynamic educational scenario of today as a vital requisite for a residential school.